Erion Elmasllari
Experienced usability engineer, researcher, and speaker on complex socio-technical systems in critical environments. Been there, done that, lived to tell, teach, and inspire.

I speak
Usability, user experience, emergent behavior, and the unexpected implications of complexity are cutting-edge concerns and huge opportunities across all fields of product and service development. Get your attendees inspired, challenged, and confronted with state-of-the art knowledge.
I mentor
Inspire your business leaders, managers, and personnel. Get them out of the “business as usual mindset”. Teach them new methods for product design and development. Bring together the worlds and viewpoints of managers, developers, and customers, all while designing your next “star” product.
In others’ words
“…a source of wisdom and insight. His sharp analytical skills help him understand the most challenging user needs and translate them into products that customers crave for.”
“Mr. Elmasllari’s User Centered Technology Design workshop received the highest rating among all courses ever offered at our Talent School up to that point.”